"Taranaki Māori were dispossessed of their land, leadership, means of livelihood, personal freedom, and social structure and values. As Māori, they were denied their rights of autonomy, and as British subjects, their civil rights were removed. For decades, they were subjected to sustained attacks on their property and persons."
The Taranaki Report : Kaupapa Tuatahi Summary Wai 143
The good news is that we're still here! There may not be many of us, but we've retained our identity, and are still maintaining our mana whenua and mana moana status in our rohe.
Ngāti Tama were renowned for their bravery, as they were responsible for maintaining the northern Taranaki border with Maniapoto. This strength continues to see the Iwi overcome challenges.
Ko taku iwi tuaroa tēnā
That is my backbone
My backbone is sacred; do not dare touch it.