Iwi news

Iwi news

Notice of Annual General Meeting 2024

October 9, 2024
10.00am, 9 November 2024, Knox Church Waitara

Notice is hereby given to all members that the Annual General Meeting of Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Tama will be held on:


This meeting is to discuss and approve the Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Tama Trust Deed being ratified for the purposes of meeting the requirements for recognition of Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Tama as a Mandated Iwi Organisation under the Maori Fisheries Act 2004.

Please note: Votes must be received in person or by postal ballot. No electronic/online voting is available.

Postal votes will be sent to registered adult members of Ngāti Tama. Voting papers must be received by post no later than Thursday, 7 November 2024, or voting in person at the AGM.

For more information:

If you have any questions or require further information, please contact office@ngatitama.iwi.nz.

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Category: Iwi news

Ngati Tama Strategy - Tama Manawanui, Tama Manawaroa

November 30, 2023

Tama Manawanui, Tama Manawaroa

Ngāti Tama, culturally strong, socially cohesive and economically sustainable

This strategy was developed through an online wānanga process in March 2022 with Ngāti Tama uri.

The strategy provides a framework from which the Rūnanga can support Ngāti Tama uri to move forward collectively and create an enduring legacy for generations of Ngāti Tama to come. The Strategy is titled Tama Manawanui, Tama Manawaroa.

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Category: Iwi news

Ngati Tama Strategic Direction

August 22, 2023
Save The Date

Nau mai rā e te iwi kia whakarongo atu ki te tangi mai a te kō kōkako - let us come together to hear about our strategic direction - Tama Manawanui, Tama Manawaroa.

The Rūnanga are hosting two (2) presentations for Ngā uri o Ngāti Tama (members) on the Strategic Plan, including a kuia kaumātua lunch.





Kaumātua Kuia Lunch Presentation



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Category: Iwi news

2022 Trustee Election

December 16, 2022

I declare the result for the 2022 trustee election for Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Tama Trust, conducted by internet, postal and ballot box voting at the AGM, that closed on Saturday 10 December 2022. I confirm that the official result was determined after the scrutiny of the roll was completed, the validity of all votes was determined, and all valid votes were counted.

To view the results please use the link below.

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Category: Iwi news

Ngāti Tama supports the resolution of the unlawful protest on Mt Messenger

September 9, 2022

August 8, 2022

The enforcement by NZ Police of a trespass order against a small number of unlawful protestors from Mt Messenger has been supported by Ngāti Tama.

“The protest group is led by a handful of people who do not recognise Ngāti Tama’s manawhenua rights and interests in our rohe” says Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Tama Chair Conrad O’Carroll.

“They claim to be an iwi, but no other iwi recognises them.”

“The entire roading project is taking place in Ngāti Tama’s rohe, and we are partners with Waka Kotahi in its design and delivery.  Locals know the current road’s unsafe to travel on at times, particularly when slips close one or both lanes. Through our partnership, we have already secured significant benefits for the taiao (environment) of northern Taranaki, and for the people of Ngāti Tama. That’s hugely important for us.”

Category: Media

Land returns to Ngāti Tama

August 8, 2022

The return of tūpuna land was celebrated on 8 August 2022 at Pukearuhe Marae by over hundred people from Ngāti Tama and Waka Kotahi.

The 120-hectare coastal property at Gilbert Road, at the end of Pukearuhe Road is part of agreements with Waka Kotahi for Te Ara o Te Ata: Mt Messenger Bypass. It has been exchanged for 20 hectares of Treaty Settlement land needed for the project.

The land, now renamed as Ngarautika, has great significance for Ngāti Tama with wāhi tapu, pā sites and wai tapu. It is where Poutama Whiria, the adze of Tokomaru Waka was rediscovered in 1923.

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Category: Iwi news, Pānui

Consultation on Procurement Policy

May 22, 2022
Zoom sessions

May 22nd - 23rd 2022

Our agreement with Waka Kotahi NZ Transport gives Ngāti Tama members and its associates, priority to tender for contracts. Te rūnanga is keen for you to consider what a Ngāti Tama business is and what determines an associate entity to Ngāti Tama.

We’re hosting two sessions online for Ngāti Tama members. Come along, for links to the sessions, contact ngatitamacontact@gmail.com

Category: Iwi news

Selection of Rōpu Tiaki members

May 4, 2022
12pm - 3pm, Waitara

Selection of Rōpu Tiaki members

The Kaunihera Kaumatua and Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Tama are considering nominations and selecting members for the new Rōpu Tiaki. This group is tasked with being expert advisors on mahi-a-wairua, mainly for Te Ara o Te Ata project and other mahi determined by te Rūnanga.

Category: Iwi news

Gas pipeline repair sees Poutama fail again at claiming tangata whenua status

November 2, 2021
Stuff News Article

A Taranaki group denied tangata whenua status by the courts in relation to the Mt Messenger bypass has been sidelined again in a separate fight over the repair of a gas pipeline.

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Category: Media

Inaugural Pest Management Steering Group Meeting

November 12, 2021
9am - 12pm, Waitara

The first meeting was held of the Steering Group for the new Pest Management Programme covering 3,650ha in the Parininihi and adjacent land administered by DoC. The Steering Group is made up of representatives from Ngāti Tama, Waka Kotahi and DoC.

Category: Iwi news

Te Korimako o Taranaki Facebook posts

October 24, 2021
Taki Karakia o Te Korimako o Taranaki on 7 Oct 2021

Tonight’s karakia will be performed by Ngāti Tama.

Ka rere te puru o Poutama. Ka rangona e ngā hau o Taranaki

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Category: Media

Vital Mt Messenger bypass vote count coming by end of week

July 13, 2021
Stuff news article

Results of the iwi vote that could affect the future of the proposed $200 million Mt Messenger bypass should be known by the end of the week.

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Category: Media

The long awaited Mt Messenger bypass and the iwi vote it hinges on

June 27, 2020
Stuff news article

The path to finding a way around Mt Messenger has been as long and winding as the road itself.

Now one iwi holds the key to the $200 million bypass project that would see State Highway 3 go around the north Taranaki mountain rather than over it.

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Category: Media

Ngāti Tama Announcement

July 15, 2020
Te Korimako o Taranaki

Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Tama Chairperson Paul Silich announces the result of the 2020 voting process on the special resolution covering the Mt Messenger Bypass proposal, The voting, which closed at a special general meeting (SGM) held on Saturday 11 July 2020, supported the project with 82 percent of voters in agreement. The special resolution was successful as over 75 percent of valid votes was reached.

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Category: Media

Ngāti Tama backs the Mt Messenger Bypass

Jul 152020
Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Tama Chair Paul Silich announced today the Iwi’s support for entering agreements with Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency that sees a modern $200m bypass of hazardous…
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Category: Pānui

Iwi backs deal over Taranaki's $200m Mt Messenger project

July 15, 2020
Stuff news article

Taranaki’s Mt Messenger bypass is closer than ever to becoming a reality with iwi voting to accept a deal that makes the $200m project possible.

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Category: Media

Tune into the Special Resolution result event - Te Korimako FM

Jul 142020
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Category: Pānui

SGM - Saturday 11 July 2020, Zoom Webinar

Jul 032020
Attention members of Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Tama and applicants awaiting membership confirmation. If you plan to attend our Special General Meeting on Saturday 11 July 2020 via Zoom Webinar,…
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Category: Hot topics

Bypass Information-Sharing Session, Takapuwahia Mon 16 March 2020

Mar 112020
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Category: Trustees' comments

Bypass Info-Sharing Session for ngā uri o Ngati Tama, 27 February 2020, 5pm - 6.30pm, Waiokura Marae, Manaia. Nau mai, haere mai!

Feb 212020
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Category: Trustees' comments

Information-Sharing Sessions 13 Feb 2020, Waitara

Feb 102020
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Category: Trustees' comments

Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Tama: Mt Messenger Bypass Pānui - 27 December 2019)

Dec 272019
E aku nui, e aku rahi, tēnā koutou katoa! As many of you know, the Rūnanga has been working with the New Zealand Transport Authority (Waka Kōtahi, NZTA) for the…
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Category: Hot topics, Trustees' comments

Environment Court Interim Decision (December 2019)

Dec 272019
Background to the Environment Court Interim Decision In July 2019, the Environment Court heard an appeal from ourselves,  Department of Conservation (DOC),  Te Korowai Tiaki O Te Hauauru Inc, Poutama Kaitiaki…
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Category: Trustees' comments

Trustee Election Results 2019

Sep 272019
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Category: Trustees' comments
Quick links
Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Tama
PO Box 143 Waitara
E: ngatitamataranaki@gmail.com
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