Taranaki iwi respond to Covid-19 – update

Taranaki iwi respond to Covid-19 – update

The eight Taranaki iwi have established Te Aranga, a Covid-19 response arm. 
Their plan aims for a 95 percent vaccination rate for eligible Māori in the region.

Te Aranga is coordinating a week-by-week vaccination drive across Taranaki, which includes assistance from the district health board. Longer term planning is underway, including a focus on people getting second jabs.

Iwi and Māori health providers are only funded for each vaccination. It can take multiple engagements with a whanau before they take the vaccination, so providers are seeking more appropriate funding to meet their needs.

If you test positive for Covid-19

Health Navigator NZ and partners have developed a range of helpful information to support anyone who is Covid-19 positive and self-isolating/quarantining at home:  Covid-19 Positive Consumer Resource by Health Navigator NZ
Quick links
Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Tama
PO Box 143 Waitara
E: ngatitamataranaki@gmail.com
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