Te Rōpū Tiaki is the cultural advisory group appointed by Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Tama for Te Ara o Te Ata: Mt Messenger Bypass.
The rōpū provides expertise and advice for the project as needed by the Pou Tiaki (responsible for running the project’s day-to-day cultural monitoring operations with our Tāngata Tiaki) and Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Tama.
Cultural monitoring applies a Māori lens to any changes to the natural environment – acknowledging the connection between environmental health and Māori wellbeing. These changes must be managed in a culturally appropriate way, consistent with tikanga Māori and Mātauranga Māori. This is important on the land of our Tūpuna, for our mokopuna and future generations.
Tāngata Tiaki are the eyes and ears of iwi on work sites. They are responsible for making sure there are safe cultural practices for all workers (Māori and non-Māori) onsite. This includes providing cultural inductions before works begin. If any taonga or kōiwi are discovered during operations, they work with archaeologists to ensure appropriate protocols are followed.