Expression of interest to develop a plan around our fallen taonga rākau from Te Ara o Te Ata project.
A copy of the Proposed Variations to the Original Declaration of Trust.
For AGM 2024 special resolution.
A brief overview and a listed summary of the changes to the Trust Deed.
For AGM 2024 Special resolution.
This document identifies by comparison, the changes between the Original Declaration and the Deed of Variation.
For AGM 2024 Special resolution.
The Trustees of Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Tama seek that Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Tama become the Mandated Iwi Organisation (MIO) for Ngāti Tama, by way of a special resolution vote at AGM 2024.
Here is the information sheet outlining the details related to the Mandated Iwi Organisation.
Ngāti Tama, culturally strong, socially cohesive and economically sustainable
Agreements infographic from Our Story book